
  • Trading Master 3D - Fidget Pop

  • Trading Master 3D - Fidget Pop
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  • Date:2021-06-23
  • Developer:FollowCircles
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  • Trading Master is a super fun simulation game where you trade so many different fidget toys and objects!
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Editor's Review :

Training Master is a fun simulation game. While you are playing this game, you can trade different toys and other objects with your opponent. As for the skill, it is very simple for you to play this game. All you need to do is to give your opponent some items to exchange for the items that you may want. If both of you agree on the deal, you can just push the button to complete the trade. And you can simply push the cross button to decline the trade if you want to reject. Your ultimate goal is to get more items from your opponent by pressing the the plus button. As you can see that it is not difficult at all to play this game. And it is so fun to collect all the toys. It is such a satisfying thing to grow your inventory and become the trade master. So if you get tired of playing all those fierce fighting games, you can try this relaxing game to have some fun. If you would like to, you can also invite your friends to trade together. It is impossible for you to become bored with this game because there are so many items available. And you will never know what kind of item you can unlock in the next level. You can get some items by watching the ads. And some items will be given to you only because of your wonderful performance. But no matter what happens, your goal is to expand your inventory and get more and more items. The thing is that you must always try your best and make a good deal. You can not be tricked by your opponent to keep giving away your things. This means you must make sure that each deal is beneficial. Otherwise, you will notice that it is so quick for you to lose all of your items. But while you are playing this game, you can try to trade in a friendly way. But it is better for you to play this game in a friendly way. There is no need for you to play this game in a competitive way. This means that if your friend gives you some toys or some wonderful items, you should also give your find some interesting items or toys in return, instead of asking for more all the time. It is impolite and it is not a very good thing. Even if you can get more items and even if you can expand your inventory, you cannot lose your friendship. So sometimes, it is wise to be generous. But the most important thing is to enjoy yourself and have fun together with your best friend. But if you continue asking more items from your friends, you will feel not very good at the end of the level. So sometimes it is better for you to give some items out. And you should try to create a win-win situation. You must make sure that you will get something that you want. And you will also give something that your friend wants at the same time. In this way, both of you will be happy because this is a really great deal. And as you can see that each item or each toy in this game is priced, so if your friend gives you some gift or toy, which is very expensive, you just cannot give your friend something very cheap. If you want to get more expensive toys, you need to earn enough amount of gold coins to get the toys. Anyway, you will find lots of secrets about trading while you are playing this game. You may play this game in hundreds of ways. There is no fixed pattern. You can try to win more toys; or you can try to play with your friends on an equal footing; or you can just randomly give out things without thinking the consequences. So there is no need for you to feel pressure while you are playing this game. They are just virtual toys and items. There is definitely no need for you to feel overwhelmed. And you will see that if you keep asking for items without giving anything out, you will lose friends very quickly. This will also give you a lesson about your real life. You should learn to give out things before you try to figure out how to get the thing that you want. If you refuse to sacrifice and contribute, you will never get anything. In your real life, trades are everywhere. But you must make sure that the people around you will also get benefit from you while you are trying to get what you want from these people. So this is a great game. It is suitable both for the adults and the child to play. Adults will learn most useful lessons about trading. Maybe you usually ignored such trivial things. But unconsciously these invisible trading activities influence your relationship and your behaviors. For the child, this is apparently a fun game. But at the same time, children will also have a clear understanding about the reasonable trading process and about how to get a maximum result or about how to make a friend by giving out some valuable toys. So this game is not just about getting and winning things. It is also about sharing and making a really great deal. Trading involves intelligence. If you can expand your inventory and win more toys by making both you and your opponent happy. You are a really wonderful player in terms of trading. So it involves some intelligence and some trick to get the maximum result both for you and your partner. What are you still waiting for? It is time for you to start your trading career. There is no need for you to rush. You can take your time and observe the trading process carefully. If you can observe the whole trading process without missing any details, you will find out the essence of trading. And you will eventually become a trading master who can always make a great deal!

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